This Thursday, November 7 at 7:00 PM, the Jewish Community Center (JCC) and Community Day School will once again host a Kindergarten Readiness Forum, designed to demystify the kindergarten enrollment process.  A panel of experienced local professionals will discuss the best ways to prepare oneself and one’s child for a successful transition into kindergarten.  Topics include social adjustment to a new school and classmates, what a child is expected to know when entering kindergarten, how to ensure one’s child receives all the services he or she needs, and the testing and acceptance process. Panelists will be available to answer questions after the program.  This year’s panelists include:



Alisa D. Dupre’ – Audubon Charter School, Admission Director/Operations Manager

Deb Marsh – Community Day School, Director of Admissions
Steve Salvo – Director of Admission and Marketing, Trinity Episcopal School
Chris Gogreve – Jewish Community Center Nursery School, Pre K teacher

Janine Murry – Lusher Charter School, Kindergarten teacher
Stacey Gengel, Ph.D – Psychologist



Sharon Pollin, MS, Ed.D. candidate – Community Day School, Head of School


The program is free of charge and open to the public.  The Kindergarten Readiness Forum will be held at the JCC’s Uptown campus, located at 5342 St. Charles Avenue.  For more information, contact Adrienne Shulman at 504.897.0143 or