Moms, Aunts and Grandmas will adore this hand and footprint apron from Little Page Turners.

This Mama Papa Bubba Hand-shaped ring dish is just so precious and very easy to make!
Personalized coffee mugs from Two Shades of Pink make a great gift for a relative, teacher, family friend or neighbor.
Toddlers can put their finger-painting skills to good use making a set of tile coasters from Merriment Designs.
Toddlers and preschoolers will love making these simple Popsicle stick coasters by No Time for Flashcards.
Round up a bunch of old, unused keys! The kids can turn them into a colorful recycled wind chime from Inner Child Giving.
Have the kids get messy with their toys to create custom art for a loved one! “Play Trains” used (you guessed it) toy trains to create this masterpiece.
A Mama Papa Bubba custom piece of art framed in an embroidery hoop would be ideal for someone who loves needlepoint or cross-stitch.
The pastel and watercolor handprint canvases that the kids made over at “Mom in Madison”.
For more ideas, visit Happy Hooligans.