Camp Walden
2539 Columbus St.
New Orleans , LA 70119
(504) 525-2420
From the Sponsor
Camp Walden
Established: 2017
Camp Phone Number: (504) 525-2420
What is the camp’s mission and philosophy?
All campers can expect to meet new friends, learn new skills, and experience the many beautiful things about Waldorf Education in a safe, supportive and developmentally appropriate environment
What safety measures are in place?
Our school has secured gates and locked doors, front desk administrative support, trained teachers, security cameras and emergency policies in place.
What is the camper-to-counselor ratio?
1:5, 1:10
How are staff members screened and trained?
CW Teachers are current WSNO Employees who have gone through fingerprinting and criminal background screening.Teachers are all First Aid and CPR Certified. All staff are trained by the Camp Director.
Is there a daily schedule, and can you provide an example?
Camp is from 9-3 for both EC and Grades
Both camps have plenty of outdoor free play time as well as structured games, water play, crafts, snacks and meals.
Are there opportunities for free play or downtime?
Free play is a major part of our days at Camp Walden. Early Childhood camp is free play based, and Grades Campers have at a minimum two free play breaks/day.
How does the camp handle health issues and allergies?
All staff are First and CPR certified in the event of an accident, injury or other health incident. Allergies are handled on a case-by-case basis.
Are there opportunities for parents to visit or participate in camp activities?
Parent visits are handled on a case-by-case basis.