April 21, 2020

With COVID-19 as our invisible enemy, there are many things we should be cleaning that we probably aren’t.

Here are 5 things that need cleaning that you probably didn’t think about.

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Cell Phone 

While our cell phone is seemingly only touched by us, we use it everywhere and at all times. Even with COVID-19, we should refrain from touching our faces and our cellphones touch our faces. Wipe your cellphone with alcohol or a disinfecting wipe. 

Here are some tips on how to properly clean your phone (and how frequently you should be doing so)!

Door Knobs

Everyone in and out of your house is touching your door knobs. It doesn’t hurt to take extra precautions and wipe down all door handles in order to protect ourselves and our families.

Do you have a brass knob? What about crystal, metal or coated? Here are some tips to make sure you are cleaning your type of door knob properly.

Trash Can Handles 

Trash can handles are another thing that are touched by everyone at home. Take precautions by washing your hands after touching the trash can or by wiping down all necessary surfaces.

Pro tip: Don’t forget your outside trash cans! Not only are you touching it, but the trash company that empties the cans also touches it. Use a barrier (such as gloves or thick hand towel) when filling your trash can and moving to and from the curb.


Coronavirus can live on surfaces like mail for up to 9 days. While it may not be an immediate thought to clean your mailbox and packages, think twice before letting these items into your home without being disinfected.


Gas Handle 

We were cautious about this one before the pandemic, so we should be even more cautious of it during. While it may be a bit irrational to clean the handle of the gas pump, we can always protect ourselves from its germs. Try wearing gloves while using the pump, or if you don’t have any on hand, use hand sanitizer, or wash your hands as soon as possible.

Check out all of our previous Daily Survival Guides here.