Daily Survival Guide – March 31, 2020
They’ll never see it coming.
Frozen Cereal 
The night before, put your kiddo’s cereal (with milk) in the freezer. Watch them lose their minds when their spoon clanks against the cereal iceberg!
Colored Tongue
Again, easy peasy! Just take whatever food dye you already have on hand (blue or green are great) and put a few drops in their cereal bowl. Then cover with cereal. When they pour the milk, the dye will come to the top. Make them still eat it!
Become Their Friend
If your child has their own mobile device and you have access to the passcode, edit the primary contact info for his best buddy by deleting the friend’s number and plugging in yours. When your child calls or texts their friend, respond as yourself; perhaps adding an admonishment about the fact that they’re on their device. Let the confusion ensue. Do this one only if you dare!
Embarrassing Photo
Change the background photo on your teen’s or tween’s computer, phone, iPad, or other device to something silly. The photo could be of you and your spouse smooching, your kid as a baby (and naked), or a photo of them sleeping; you get the picture (see what we did there, haha).
Balloons on the Door
Do you have balloons sitting around? Blow up a bunch, and then anchor them against the outside your child’s bedroom door. When they get up in the morning and open their door, they will be hit with a balloon barrage!
Check out all of our previous Daily Survival Guides.
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